An Odd 1s Out Card Game in memory of Harry the Moth
Latest Updates from Our Project:
FREE COLLECTOR'S CARD: Less than 1 Week left to receive Harry the moth Collector's Card
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 10:41:45 PM
Also - some of you may of heard, but I've launched a new card game called "Cafe Chaos".
Because you ordered Can't Catch Harry - you will get free Collectors Card if you order before the end of the campaign. I hope you enjoy the art in the cards below. Harry will be one of the harder cards to get in the game. Hurry there's not much time left before the end of the campaign: CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER!
Watch how to play Cafe Chaos with the link below:
Oh yeah, and guess what? Can't Catch Harry just made it into Walmart!!! Waahoo!
Can you believe how far the game has come in such a short amount of time?
-James Rallison & The Odd 1s Out Team
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 03:56:37 PM
Because you helped me start Can't Catch Harry - I'm giving you an Exclusive Collector's Card if you back Cafe Chaos on Kickstarter HERE. I'll reveal who this card is later - but I'll give you a hint now about who he is. You can only get this card if you backed Can't Catch Harry.
Hint: He's not currently in Cafe Chaos, you know him, my sister knows wait, if I tell you anymore it'll be too easy. Guess in the comments below and make sure to to check out Cafe Chaos.
You can see Cafe Chaos by clicking HERE. Make sure you also check out the animator pack as it features some of my fellow Youtube animator friends who have some pretty strong abilities.
-James Rallison & The Odd 1s Out Team
Also, I wanted to share with you some awesome projects that we've had our eye on. These are all fresh projects and exciting creators who could use your support.
I've been working you're going to love this new card game - make sure you watch the hero video. I’ve spent more than a year on this project – I’m excited to show it to you. All first day backers will be eligible for an exclusive character card! I will also have some big reveals of special character cards from some other Youtubers you may know so stay tuned!
New Game Coming Soon!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 02:02:25 AM may have heard - but I have a new game coming out soon.
Since you backed my first campaign - I'll be giving you an exclusive collectors cards when you back the second game. You'll definitely want to back the project on the first day as the early bird specials go quickly!
Click HERE to be notified when it launches. I'm planning to launch early July.
Shipping Confirmations / Updated Instructions
over 5 years ago
– Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 05:23:29 PM
I wish every shipping company could deliver that fast! All things considered, sometimes they still make mistakes- but they really do a good job.
We hope you're all enjoying Can't Catch Harry. Everyone should have received their rewards by now - quick note - if you haven't received the product - please don't leave a comment on Kickstarter because Kickstarter doesn't notify us that there's a problem with your order.
Click the thumbs up if you received your product - click the thumbs down if you're still missing something. Some backers still have not given us their address....if that may be you - please click the thumbs down so we can send you your pledge.
We've listened to your comments about the instruction sheet - we've made some updates and added further clarification here: UPDATED INSTRUCTIONS.
Thanks again for all your support!
I received the game and love the product - CLICK THUMBS UP
I never received my pledge or something was missing - CLICK THUMBS DOWN