Surveys are en route
about 6 years ago
– Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 07:51:16 PM
You should receive your survey's TODAY (Hurray!)
If you have not received your survey link please follow this link: and input the email address you used for your Kickstarter account. If you run into any problems, please reach out to [email protected]
Please note- for some add on items, we do have to include a small shipping charge. We've tried to keep these charges as low as possible. Please understand that we can't ship product around the world for free =D.
Thanks for your support! We're looking forward to sending Can't Catch Harry.
Quick Update - Surveys coming soon
about 6 years ago
– Tue, Nov 06, 2018 at 10:39:10 PM
Hello Backers,
We wanted to give everyone a quick heads up- the survey's will be coming out soon- but Kickstarter has recommended we for 1.5 weeks before we send the surveys because people are still updating their payment details. No worries, this hasn't changed anything about the timelines for delivery- we're still on track to send the games out by the end of February. We will get the surveys out to you ASAP so we can confirm shipping addresses and the details of your pledge level.
If you are pledged at the Odd 1s Out Fanatic level- please reach out to [email protected] and title your email "Odd 1s Out Fanatic" with a picture you'd like us to use as reference for your custom card.
Thanks again! We will keep you updated as we receive more prototypes from suppliers as the game pieces are finalized for production.
about 6 years ago
– Sun, Nov 04, 2018 at 07:39:27 PM
Thank you to everyone who helped us with Can't Catch Harry.
For those who are new to kickstarter- the funding goal was far exceeded- this means you will be receiving a copy of Can't Catch Harry and all other rewards you selected! Your payment method should have been charged today.
We will be starting the manufacturing process this week. We will be keeping you updated along the way. Our goal is deliver all rewards by the end of February.
On Tuesday November 6th of this week you will receive a survey asking you to confirm
#1 Your reward level (and all upgrades: Harry the moth plushie etc.)
- #2 Your address
- #3 Your email
- #4 Your phone number
If you decide that you want to upgrade your reward, you'll be able to do so on Tuesday. Additionally, if you move before we send out the rewards, you will have a chance to update your address before we send everything out.
We will reach out to you this week to touch base on the design you'd like for your customized card. Please have a picture of what you'd like to see on your card ready to send for reference. Also, please note, we cannot do a customized card that infringes on another brand's trademark.
If you have any other questions, please reach out to [email protected].
Thank you again, we're excited to send this game out to you!
Final Day- One more Gift
about 6 years ago
– Sat, Nov 03, 2018 at 03:57:17 PM
Thank you to all our 4,300 + backers! There is less than 24 hours for our campaign to end and we have one last update.
Introducing the Odd 1s Out Collectors Figurine.
Now, this figurine will also come with a limited first edition, custom made James holographic card! A unique card different from the one in the current deck, made for collector's! Sooo... We decided to include this reward COMPLETELY FREE to all of our backers who pledged the Collector's Edition AND The Odd 1s Out Fanatic! ($100+ pledges). If you would like to receive this collectors figurine, simply upgrade your pledge to the Collectors Edition or the Odd 1s Out Fanatic pledge level.
This reward is not available for purchase, and it will only be included in those two pledges mentioned above due to costs.
Now, here's he breakdown of what our $100 pledge looks like:
Our $100 pledge is valued at $250 retail! And you can get it now for only $100! If you've waited this far to upgrade your pledge, today is the day!
Only 2 Days Left!!! Holographic Prototype Sneak Peak
about 6 years ago
– Thu, Nov 01, 2018 at 05:16:05 PM
We're so excited to send this game out to you!!!
Only 2 days left! We're so close to $300,000- can you share this campaign on facebook to help us get there?
We've received alot of questions about the Holographic Cards- I've included a little sneak peak below. These are just the prototypes that came in today- they look awesome!!! A full set of Holographic Cards will be part of a limited 1st edition run for those who have pledged at the Collectors Edition and Odd 1s Out Fanatic pledge levels.
In terms of other upgrades available- I just wanted to send out another quick overview because there have been some questions and I know some of you are new to Kickstarter.
This comes free for anyone who pledged at the Collectors Level or Odd 1s Out Fanatic. If you would like to add this to your pledge, you can upgrade to those levels, or add $15. After the campaign has ended, you'll receive an email asking for you to confirm your upgrade and your address. This is a wooden box that can protect your cards from damage for the true collector.
Harry Plushie - If you would like the Harry the Moth Plushie you just need to increase your pledge level by $20 and you'll receive a 16 inch tall giant Harry the Moth Plushie. After the campaign has ended, you'll receive an email asking for you to confirm your upgrade and your address.
Again, thank you for helping us make this game a reality. I know you're going to love Can't Catch Harry. I'm excited to show you more parts of the game as they develop.
Here are some other campaigns we thought you might like to check out:
Unravel:Unravel: Fast Wireless Charging, Anywhere
Nano Bag: Our friends at TipTop Things just launched their new campaign and got 500% funded in the first 24 hours. These bags are ultra light, ultra strong and ultra portable. Finally it's convenient to always carry a bag in your pocket. Click HERE to check it out.